*********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-18-07 08:17 PM* * Release: "1.2.8965.36529"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-12-07 06:30 PM* * Release: "1.2.8959.33299"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-12-07 08:16 AM* * Release: "1.2.8959.14908"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-11-07 09:15 PM* * Release: "1.2.8958.38254"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-10-07 12:27 AM* * Release: "1.2.8957.819"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-09-07 07:30 PM* * Release: "1.2.8956.35127"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** Fixed bug with IN DELAY Message Syntax, sometimes was IN_DELAY and others IN DELAY *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-26-06 05:53 PM* * Release: "1.2.8943.32084"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - adjusted SUB messages to say STATUS instead of SUB - Fixed syntax for certain conditions where is would display *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-26-06 05:49 PM* * Release: "1.2.8943.32084"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-29-03 04:47 PM* * Release: "1.2.8854.30233"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -Added timetobuild and timetoexit values in the BDS protocol, this is used to show how long is left to build or exit when expanding/compressing -When clicking on progressbar it will show timetobuild and time to exit -Added automatic refresh to changing webtheme *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-24-03 11:46 AM* * Release: "1.2.8849.21183"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed dump segment bug where entire buffer would be dumped. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-18-03 11:41 PM* * Release: "1.2.8843.42649"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -added ability to change censor ampkitude for instance and configurable via the web ui *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-12-03 08:58 PM* * Release: "1.2.8837.37760"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-12-03 03:40 PM* * Release: "1.2.8837.28213"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-11-03 07:30 PM* * Release: "1.2.8836.35126"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - Fixed when using Dump Segment and Delay is reset to 0 seconds. it was previously building based on the default build options set in the GUI. when it should be using expand. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-04-03 09:51 PM* * Release: "1.2.8829.39336"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - Fixed bug when dumping during insert and BuildAfterDump was set to true, it would get stuck in a building state with no delay building. Now defaults to expand when dumped during insert -fixed bug when dumping segment, delay state would go idle and then immdiateley back to delay building, this would cause the DelayNotSafe to trigger *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-21-02 09:02 PM* * Release: "1.2.8817.37864"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - Fixed Bug where sockets for data clients werent being close properly when closed from winddows service control - added extra debugging to data client - added extra sync locks on data client receivers *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2023-06-07 09:27 PM* * Release: "1.2.8587.38618"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - Removed Hashtables from TCP Data Clients - Fixed Bug Where setting delay to pulses during rollout overlap were always returing 0 and passing pulse immediately - Fixed bug when using forced squeezed delay, pulses werent being passed through as it was looking at delay exit mode setting. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2023-27-04 11:32 PM* * Release: "1.2.8517.42386"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** added extra error handlding when crreating bds control port, the user had the ability to add a port number that was invalid *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2023-30-03 04:30 PM* * Release: "1.2.8489.29712"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** Added Extra logging on Data ports to try and catch problems with ports randomnly stopping *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2022-15-09 03:40 PM* * Release: "1.2.8293.28224"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -Added PostCough functionality (essentially allows user to mute outgoing audio feed) *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2022-01-09 11:21 AM* * Release: "1.2.8279.20047"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -Added DelayCart rotation when multiple assets are defined in day part. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2022-01-06 02:06 PM* * Release: "1.2.8187.25393"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - added ability to force release censor tone - *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2022-24-01 03:31 PM* * Release: "1.2.8059.27941"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed bug that caused playback issue when 1. exiting via rollout with overlap and delay build is pressed before it finishes. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2022-23-01 05:40 PM* * Release: "1.2.8058.31816"* * * * * * * 1 * * *********************************************************** - added grace period for missing or unactivated licence files, mainly due to virtual machines changing underlying hardware. -Grace period adds 30 dsays to reactivate and in the event its not activated, the delay build function is disabled, ensuring audio still passes. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-24-09 12:38 PM* * Release: "1.2.7937.22747"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** -Added UTF-8 support to login form to enable special characters, previously reserved HTML chars like + & were being removed or used incorrectly. Characters are now bassed as URL Code. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-15-09 04:38 PM* * Release: "1.2.7928.29963"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** Added Idle Status for Wheatstone aswell as status updates when wheatstone reconnects *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-09-08 09:49 PM* * Release: "1.2.7891.17670"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - Fixed bug where delay build was started during exit rollout, this caused the unit to continue to rollout but was stuck forever in a building state. - Added extra checking for shutting ASIO channels down, some asio drivers continue to pass through latest buffer of audio which causes noise. Added function to pass empty audio buffer into asio driver before shutting down. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-26-05 10:14 PM* * Release: "1.2.7816.40021"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -made adjustments to the add user form, when AD user or Group is selected it will disable password field, aswell as generate a random password. -fixed bug with passwords that contains symbols and control characters (white space) *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-20-04 08:36 PM* * Release: "1.2.7780.37094"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - when running 64 data channels at 720 Kbps the cpu usage was large due to logging. Logging is now OFF by default on dataports however if you need to debug there is an option to enable logging on both the Recieve and Send Data Ports. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-19-04 10:03 PM* * Release: "1.2.7779.39715"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -Added ability to use Syslog DNS name aswell as IP -Changed Rollout Behaviour, When delay is building by Expand the delay unit will allow rollout and compress exiting. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-13-04 10:47 PM* * Release: "1.2.7773.40969"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** - Added Control ID and Enable/Disable Capabiltiies to the Data Port Client Sending Ports. The Enable/Disable has also been exposed to the Control Protocol API. - Fixed view bug when loading many tcp client sends into a data port. the Modal grew past the view point. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-31-03 07:46 AM* * Release: "1.2.7760.17582"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -bug where fill assets object was not destroyed on completetion of playout meaning you were unable to delete it because the process was hanging onto the file. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-25-03 07:32 PM* * Release: "1.2.7754.35184"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -bug with admin ad accounts, was not loading all menus for admin access *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-23-03 07:13 PM* * Release: "1.2.7752.31001"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** -ui bug when adding data ports to any other units except first unit, used element ID instead of class name in JS *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-20-03 12:04 PM* * Release: "1.2.7749.21736"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** -un used threadpool object causing service to stay open requiring user to kill or the process in order to restart the service, -parsing bug when adding new data port *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-19-03 06:29 PM* * Release: "1.2.7748.33273"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed delay size bug on web iterface when using 16 bit wave. it was using 32 bit which caused the display to show half -fixed bug when adding a new tcp data port from web interface, the recieve did not start unless service was restarted. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-06-03 12:43 PM* * Release: "1.2.7735.22890"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -Added Active Directory Authentication for Users and User Groups -Added local user database -Added user based permissions per unit -Created Admin permission set and non admin (asset upload and delay fill config only) -Created new Data Channel Object which allows you to creat either a UDP or TCP receive to as many TCP/UDP Sends as you like -Removed UDP Port Data Channel as this was supercedded by Data Channel *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-05-12 11:18 PM* * Release: "1.1.7644.41956"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -added handling when the Control port failed to bind due to it already being used, it would cause a loop and excessive memory and cpu usage. it now attempts 6 times before bailing. -added dark theme to login page -added darkly theme -fixed issue when loading ASIO driver that only allows 1 client connection. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-24-11 10:52 PM* * Release: "1.1.7633.41188"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -trying to locate bug where input is not muted and thus doesnt buffer audio, added extra logging messages to try and capture -fixed issue where compress exit is used with low latency mode, the soundtouch buffers remained full (100ms) after exiting and even though these are bypassed the 100ms was still being added to overall delaytime *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-02-11 09:14 AM* * Release: "1.1.7611.16643"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** -added external sysylog capabilities for BDS Loggging (Does NOT include external control, axia, wheatone,emberplus, tcp/udp data ports) -fixed bug with post censor output when using asio, audio was distorted due to incorrect bitrate -tightened up delay times by incorporating process/unprocessed samples in soundtouch.dll -logs that are greater then 5mb will download as file instead of being displayed. -when inserting a file and fill is unchecked, if the audio fell short the main input returned, this has been altered to ensure that it atleast fills the required delay time. in the event the audio is longer, the main input will return at the desired delay length and the fill audio will continue to playout. -GET DELAY_x.DELAYTIME no longer returns the circular buffer time but also includes the soundtouch buffer samples. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-30-10 10:54 PM* * Release: "1.1.7608.19636"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -added subscription based delay time updates SUB DELAY_x.DELAYTIME -added ability to calculate delay accuracy through the soundtouch dll -Fixed bug where descibing to build,exit,delaytime was applied to all delay units as opposed to the unit request *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-19-10 10:27 PM* * Release: "1.1.7597.40419"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -Bug where UDP Data Channels would only enable/disable based on the first entry in the list -Added ability to specify port in address for UDP, for example, is now a valid entry, where ports are specified in the address the main is ignored. -Fized bugs in data channels when exiting delay, all commands were being delayed by time in the buffer instead of being ignored, commands are no longer ignored when the rollout overlap value has been reached -Fixed bugs where UDP/TCP Data commands could fire mutliple times, one shot timer now used. -Fixed bug when dumping UDP/TCP Data Channels, this now dumps the delayed UDP/TCP Data Channels. -Static/Pulse commands for axia, wheatstone and emberplus werent being ignored during a rollout, these will become active again when the rollout overlap value is reached *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-12-10 09:55 PM* * Release: "1.1.7590.17861"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - bug found where timer was attempted to be created for a intervall of 0 on UDP Data server *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-13-09 10:02 PM* * Release: "1.1.7561.39666"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** -added checking for asio drivers -added max connection timeout for axia -fixed bug when asio was called from non STA Thread to see if drivers exist from http thread. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-08-09 07:50 PM* * Release: "1.1.7556.35717"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** - fixed bug when delaying udp and tcp data, static and pulse pins for axia, wheatone and ember+, when building using fill the data is delayed the desired fill length rather then the current buffer length. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-25-08 09:27 PM* * Release: "1.1.7542.38632"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed bug in web interface when opening axia gpio windows, this caused the next GPIO command to not work. -defaulted audiomode to waveout -added error handling when attempting to load asio when no asio is present. both on startup and http POST *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-06-08 11:18 AM* * Release: "1.1.7523.20363"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** Bug fixes when using large waveout buffer >150ms Bug fixes in HTTP Icecast Streaming server *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-01-08 09:43 PM * * Release: "1.1.7518.39109" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** Moved over to websocket sharp library for http server and websocket merged websocket port with http port - no more independant websocket ports added ability to access ssl certificate from the windows cert store aswell as exported pfx added asio/wasapi support - this is configured in setting menu change encoding of mp3 streams to standalone thread - this sigificantly recudes cpu usage optimized buffering to reduce internal latencies. throughput latency is 1ms when using fill/rollout, 30ms when using stretch and squeeze. (Doesnt include I/O Latency) added cookie support to allow user login and logout added dns name to html title field changed metering timing to 1 second instead of 500ms, user can change speed by selecting Fast Meters Button added ability for UDP Ports to be toggled on and off to support zetta splits and redundancy removed reload websocket button - this is now part of the webserver offset insert cart by internal latency time - delay cart was firing 100 ms early (issue when using wave in) moved dumped audio encoding to Windows Media Foundation instead of LAME DLL, this reduces cpu usage when encoding pcm to mp3. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-13-03 07:50 PM * * Release: "1.0.7377.35701" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed bug with loading of snake mode routes, the gui would not load the current snake mode which meant editing the gpo would clear the snake mode *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-12-03 11:35 AM * * Release: "1.0.7376.20808" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed bug with pulse type GPO -added extra logging for static and pulse type *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-23-02 09:37 PM * * Release: "1.0.7358.38924" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -Fixed bugs when adding/editing udp and tcp ports -added handling when assigning ports that conflict with control tcp port. it now brings up error -added some extra handling around Pre-Censor On and Off Commands, Issues were caused by 100ms variance in buffer time which would cause the OFF command to fire early even though it came in after the original ON command. The result is the Beep Tone is left on. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-05-02 09:40 PM * * Release: "1.0.7340.39007" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -changed rollout mixminus to only active when building, indelay or exiting. This ensures that when unit has finished exiting the audio input doesnt feed straight out the rollout minus output *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-23-01 06:47 PM * * Release: "1.0.7327.33811" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed bug where post censor tone was being injected prior to final delay unit -fixed frequency for tone not saving -fixed issue where pre-delay offset was not being recalled correctly -added options for underfill and overfill pulse widths for predelay -fixed bug where censor off could fire before censor on due to variance in delay buffer ~100ms, this left the censor on. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-17-01 12:21 AM * * Release: "1.0.7321.630" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -changed meter handling to be direct via websocket and by default a 1000ms refresh rate -Added a FastMeter/SlowMeter Button which allows users to toggle refresh rate from 1000ms to 100ms *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-11-01 12:59 PM * * Release: "1.0.7315.23384" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed bug with static and pulsed controls when used with post censor offset. issue caused was double delayed controls -Fixed minor bugs with reconnecting websocket. -Changed websocket meter comunications to binary for better performance -Changed Axia communication only present when GPIO window is open, this is also per connected user. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-06-01 08:50 PM * * Release: "1.0.7310.37525" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -added ssl/tls encryption for http server and websocket. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2019-30-12 12:36 PM * * Release: "1.0.7303.22705" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -adjusted css to suit mobile devices *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2019-27-12 11:58 AM * * Release: "1.0.7300.21566" * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** -added ability to change tcp control port via web interface, also added extra logging to this thread. -changed css styles so when viewed on mobile devices DIV's dont overflow past border ********************************************************* * * * * * * * V: 1.0.7295.2412 * * D: 23/12/2019 * * * * * ********************************************************* -add page.visibility api to enable better meter performance, when page is in focus the meters will update otherwise they wont. this reduces the load on the chrome browser. ********************************************************* * * * * * * * V: 1.0.7295.2412 * * D: 22/12/2019 * * * * * ********************************************************* -Added New Menu to control options to allow ember+ and axia service to be turn off -Added Logging for Ember+ -Optmized GetDirectory for Ember+, Only return the desired tree branch and not entire tree ********************************************************* * * * * * * * V: 1.0.7293.42826 * * D: 20/12/2019 * * * * * ********************************************************* -Added Support for Ember+ -Added Bitrate, PurgeDumpFile, PurgeLogFile to Default settings file, this file is created when a settings.xml file is not present.