*********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-04-11 10:23 PM* * Release: "1.0.8867.32112"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** --Added SSL Certificates via webinterface -Changed On and Off Visibility of browser to minimize metering web socket traffic --Fixed bug in the control protocol which prevented the TCP Closing properly and the service therefore stopping gracefully --added ability to specify asio driver via the settings file in the event the machine had multiple. previously grabbed the first one. --Moved from System Timer to Win32 Timer which has greater 1ms accuracy --Added CommandList Trigger via Webinterface *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2022-06-06 01:52 PM* * Release: "1.0.8192.24974"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** - changed licence server to ccsystems.io *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2022-29-03 05:29 PM* * Release: "1.0.8123.31495"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-04-12 06:08 PM* * Release: "1.0.8008.32656"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed arthemtic bug when calculating current delay time *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-02-03 07:42 PM* * Release: "1.0.7731.35471"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed DST bug which was using DateTime.Now instead of UTC when collecting sample rate averages. Result caused a sample rate to be calculated over 1 hour and 10 minutes and not 10 minutes resulting in sample rate playbac of 7000hz *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2021-23-02 10:23 PM* * Release: "1.0.7724.40372"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed bug when updating name(name did not update without refresh) -changed daylight saving to be referenced off a time offset which is applied to each unit instead of globally -fixed issue updating email server settings -added local delay unit offset time to GUI, this in theory should always match the playback time even when the servers time changes due to daylight saving time shift -fuxed bug with DST offset selector comoponent *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-05-12 10:49 PM* * Release: "1.0.7644.41085"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -fixed issue when loading single use asio driver, the driver was being opended twice which cause asio to give error -added dark theme *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-27-11 10:45 PM* * Release: "1.0.7636.40964"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -optimized for waveout -fixed bugs when restarting service - threads would remain open -fixed UI bugs where delay unit name didnt appear in the reload or delete confirmation windows -Adjusted SRC when lenghtys delays are originally set on first boot up, Buffer is created at 48000/s however actual output samplerate was free running until the delay was meet. -Changing from WAVE to ASIO caused the unit to crash due to ASIO being launched from a NON Sta Thread. Check is now done using registry -Found bug when enabling DST changeover, the server timezone offset was not being set into the start and end DST Objects. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-18-11 07:18 PM* * Release: "1.0.7625.41045"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** -added soundtouch.dll to installer package, this was missed. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2020-16-11 10:48 PM* * Release: "1.0.7625.41045"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** -Initial Release to Public *********************************************************** ***********************************************************