*********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-31-07 12:25 PM* * Release: "1.1.8978.22377"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:51 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:50 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:49 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:48 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:46 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:44 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:42 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:40 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:39 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:35 PM* * Release: "1.1.8922.42470"* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:32 PM* * Release: ""* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:32 PM* * Release: ""* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:31 PM* * Release: ""* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:28 PM* * Release: ""* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Date:2024-05-06 11:26 PM* * Release: ""* * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 03/06/2019 * * * * * ***************************************** added ability to import csv list format as follows dns,ip,devicetype ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 03/04/2019 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed bug with backfeed generation cause by massive advertisement flood ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 01/03/2019 * * * * * ***************************************** Backfeed Source Generation fixed for console by selecting codec or right clicking fader and selecting backfeed When choosing sources from source list it would always default to a From Source, this is now fixed Fixed an import issue with specfic firmware for Engine, (2.6.1) Stopped Error messages from showing when importing devices with no stream option Added ICOM return for LWRP ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 28/12/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed Iport Importing from BASE64 Config. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 31/11/2018 * * * * * *****************************************7 Added Vmode 4010 Control (GET and SET Commands, and EVENT commands) Added Monitor Section to ConsoleSourcesPage -Added cr_mute event -Added Monitor1 event -Added Headphones Event -Added cr_dim event Fixed issue with Panel DISP SET Command Fixed issue with Vmix Master Gain Fixed issue when asking for multiple AppControl Commands in one GET entry Added Ability to Set Profile from 4010 Added Events for Profile Change when Changed from GUI Implemented Mute State for Fader Implemented Talkback for Fader/Livewire CHannel Fixed Fader Gain Values for GET and SET Values. Implemented Fader_State event Fixed VmixSub Gain SET and GET Fixed VMIX Input Selector import from Base64 Engine Config Changed Vmode Input to allow for AES67 Configs. Added ability to add and remove faders from console When loading VDM Config it will load console fader amount from config. Get AppControl Faderlist now responds to the correct amount of faders on the console. Fixed Console Sources and Profiles being saved and re-loaded Fixed Fader SourceType Loading/Saving ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 19/11/2018 * * * * * *****************************************7 -fixed bug with 4010 on LCD Panel. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 17/11/2018 * * * * * *****************************************7 -Added ability to call multiple variables from 4010 GET on VMIX -Changed Handlding for VMIX State, Reports back state regardless if state changed ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 11/11/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** -Changed importing on engine (does not include iport in this version) configs to read from Base64 encoded data. This was to resolved issue of SRC and DST numbers being wrong in the XML file. This also includes importing all VMIX and VMODE 4010 Commands and sources that are disabled. -Changed QOR to include Console and Console Profiles. -Added handler for Multicast Address with Port Number ie. -added handler for 4010 get supv state. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 10/7/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Added NX12 Matched LiveRT to Older Style Selector/Routet Node Fixed Bug whilst adding Vmode with VMIX destination Fixed Bug when adding sources from Xnode configs, Found disabled sources dont have quotes around multicast address ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 6/6/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Changed to Iprobe to VDM Probe Load. This Includes DNS and VER ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 29/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Added Ability to choose subnet mask on both VDM Load and Iprobe Load. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 29/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Added Ability to choose subnet mask on both VDM Load and Iprobe Load. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 27/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Bug Fix ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 26/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Added a Network Interface Restore function which restores NIC to original address's when opended. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 23/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Changed method for adding IP address when in Iprobe Import Menu Iprobe Import now chooses default devices based on the device type from xml filename added error checking for admin ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 17/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Added the ability to load a template over the device after the device had been added. Right Click on device in the devices container. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 16/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Added the ability to Import from Iprobe Directory ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 10/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed bug with NAME field of DST message Fixed Bug With Get Device Config and DNS Name Fixed Bug with Send Device Config and DNS Name ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 10/03/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed Bug with parsng of < and > Added Powerstation Devices Added Zeyher Devices Fixed Meter Mode Control for ALL, ICH and OCH Added Ability to Full Scale and Reset Meters Changed Handling of Devices to be based on Modules rather then Name. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 15/02/2018 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed issue with Show FaderList ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 15/11/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed Issue reporting single CFG GPO 1 command Changed Reporting of NAME field in CFG GPO, if Name field is not Null Report It Removed Keyboard Shortcuts ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 12/09/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed issue with CFG GPO Reporting upon Change in GUI Added Ability to View Snakemode Clients via the GPI menu on GUI Added Multicast GPIO to Console Sources, Currently only 1 mode supported ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 05/09/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Added Extra Handling to Loading of XML Files Fixed Bug with Iprobe Import Parsed Engine and Iport Vmix/Vmodes SRC/DST from Iprobe input Added Splash Screen ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 20/08/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Licencing Added Global Settings for Webserver, Multicast GPIO, Advertisements Error Handling for Webserver ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 23/07/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Added ability to import from iProbe Backup - Currently only supports SRC, DST and GPO and Hostname Fixed parsing of SRC Name when placed into DST. Name must be wrapped in ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 10/05/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed Bugs with Color Displaying on Panel Bug With Snake Mode Route - When Row was added with snake mode route, this was not procssed added Flag 1-7 Capabilties with PDM for Pulse Delaying Added Extra Port 3 & 4 to PDM Fixed Bug Loading PDM Settings Changed PDM Settings to DropDown List - ReadOnly When PDM Loads it Loads Value "None" into Settings. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 1/05/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Changed the Way Devices are handled, each device now handled more of an object rather then speific device. Each Device has Config Value Assigned, If Old Config is loaded without config value it will ask for Config Value 16 Bits Make up Config BIT 0 - destination BIT 1 - source BIT 2 - stream BIT 3 - meter BIT 4 - gpi BIT 5 - gpo BIT 6 - vmix BIT 7 - 1 = ENGINE, 0 = IPORT BIT 8 - vmode BIT 9 - console BIT 10 - decoder BIT 11 - encoder BIT 12 - tzd BIT 13 - gpio BIT 14 - panel? BIT 15 - 1 = Studio Panel, 0 = Intercom Panel BIT 16 - PDM Added Ability to Create New Sources, Destinations, GPI, GPO, Meters, Stream Check Added Ability and Handles for Source Profiles IDs, Names Added Ability to Add Show profile Started Perlim work to create custom devices via form TODO: Multicast GPIO from Console Button actions Custom Device Form ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 14/04/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed bug with GPO not reporting when changed via GUI Added Ability to Snakemode Route Between GPI and GPO on Devices (Limited to Virtual Devices Only, Uses internal Process and not TCP Connection. Real times can snakemode route to virtual devices but virtual devices cannot snakemode route to real devices. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 03/04/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed Bug swith Vmix Fader outputs skipping numbers Crossthread problem with Vmix ComboBox fixed Fixed DST Names for VMixs and VModes. Names are now static Added Ability to Toggle GPIO via Keyboard on GPI and GPO panels Add Ability to Hide/Show TabPages by Rightclicking on Devicelist, TabPage or Via the GLobal Menu. Fixed Bug With LWRD TX Log Entries Added ability to block lwrd, lwcp, advd and GPIOR messages from being logged in Log Menu Fixed Problem with Vmode Reporting when Updated Fixed Bug with backfeed sources reporting as From Source when "DST" command is received from client ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 28/03/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Added Aux PreFader, Post on and Gain Options for LWCP and Fader GUI Changed Logging Message Strucutre Date:Process:From:To:Message ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 15/03/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Significant codes changes to handling of objects Iport TZD, Encoder, CFG GPIO and Decoder now save as part of virtual device save Swapped Load and Save Options from Menu FIxed Logging Bug for Console 4010 Events Added BLocking Ability to ADVDV, Run exe with -noadvd switch to stop advertisements Fixed Bug Causing UI Thread to Block Added AutoScrolling Log Form when VIewing Bottom of the Log Log Form Purges after 1000 Entires but Can be overridden using Right Click Context Menu ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 15/03/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Added Tooltip Multicast Address's for Source Numbers (Hover Mouse over any source number and it shows multicast address) Fixed bug with Advertisement HardwareID, Was Treating as 32 bit (All 4 Octects) when it should have been 16 (Lower t Octects) Added Timezone Panel/Control for Iports ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 16/02/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Added Vmode Menu to Easily Bulk Edit Added Log Menu Removed Context Menu from Log Page Added Ability to Choose to Log Short Advertisements and CMSG Added Ability to Choose from Advertised Sources or Virtual Device Sources when Destination Field is Selected Added Ability to View Learnt Devices and Sources via Advertisement Protocol Fixed Bug with Changing State of PGM Assignments on Console Removed the Need for Client Logins with IP of Fixed Bug with GPI Reporting when Not Subscribed ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 04/02/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed Bug with ADVD protocol causing High Memory Usage Added New Device Menu Changed "View Sources" to View Virtual Device Sources Fixed Bug with Port 80 Webserver not closing properly Added Port 80 Checking When attempting to bind socket. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 04/02/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Various Bug Fixes Added Device Advertisements which mostly adhere to Advertisement Protocol Added Multicast Group Subscription to port 4000/4001 Each Device Advertises its Enabled sources on Each Devices responds on UDP port 4001 to Express Source Advertisement Source Changes or Vmix Fader Outputs cause full advertisement Added Port 80 to All Devices Except Livewire Driver. Each Device now has webserver on port 80 Iprobe now works with virtual device. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 02/02/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Various Bug Fixes Multicast GPIO Pulse Lengths - Ability to Select Plain and Special Pulse Field on Multicast Panel aswell as set pulse length interval via UP/Down Counter. Fixed GPO Panels to Accept Multicast GPIO Duration Added Service Detection and Control to Ensure lwrd, axiagpr, axiadvd and MultiGpioManagement arent running. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 10/01/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Fixed Bug where destinations names had leading spaces when configured from port 93 Added Upload to Device Config Added Device Report Dialog ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 10/01/2017 * * * * * ***************************************** Added Ability to Select Specific Devices when loading a saved config Fixed Bug with Manage Address Dialog not opening up Added New View Menu to View Enabled Sources Added Ability to Bring up Sources window and select source when Destination Fields are Double Clicked Destination Fields in Sources, Vmodes and Vmix Inputs Added New Device info Tab which includes -New Power Buttons to Simulate Device Fail (This Binds and Unbinds Sockets) -Information about the virtual device -FPSTAT Information and settings -Master Selection/Election for Master LW Clock -Custom Icon which has been added to Device Folder Structure Restricted DNS name to 12 Chars Added Ability to Download DNS name from Device Added "Duplicate Sources" Report ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 23/12/2016 * * * * * ***************************************** Updated "Download from Device Page" to include the ability to choose which parts of the LWRP Protocol to Download from the remote device ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 21/12/2016 * * * * * ***************************************** Added 5 extra Multicast Panels to Multicast GPIO Tab Page Fixed Loading Issue with Multicast GPIO to recall the source number ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 08/12/2016 * * * * * ***************************************** Problem with controlling Vmixers On/Off State fixed Added 3 x 10 Button LCD User Panel to Element and Engine Devices Resolved some exceptions causing High CPU Added GPO Duration Handler | GPO 1 xxLxx DURATION:700 Fixed PDM GPO Duration Pin Togggle Fixed Both GPO/INDI Recieve for Multicast GPIO Added Ability to Clear Single or All Vmix Inputs, this allows easy initilisation when running up config. Fixed Exception when using keyboard shortuts when there was no devices. ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * 06/12/2016 * * * * * ***************************************** Added Error Handling for non numeric Source/Destinations Numbers Added Keyboard Shortcuts to Navigate through Tabs v = vmixs s = source d = destinations c = console l = log Add Ability to Change DNS from Device Info Screen Added Error handling for Changing for DNS or IP from Device Info Form Fixed Destinations for RouterNode Fixed Destinations for QOR Device Area now expands when dragged horizontal ***************************************** * Release Notes V * * * * * * * ***************************************** Intial Release